The Looking Glass XR Blog

Looking Glass XR at the 2022 National Coalition of Advanced Technology Centers – NCATC

Looking Glass XR at the 2022 National Coalition of Advanced Technology Centers - NCATC

Looking Glass XR at the 2022 National Coalition of Advanced Technology Centers – NCATC

We would first like to thank Jim Lorentz from AVR Connect for inviting us to share their booth at this year’s 2022 NCATC Conference in Concord/Kannapolis, NC September 21-23.

The National Coalition of Advanced Technology Centers (NCATC) is an Affiliated Council of the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) catalyzing a network of higher education and industry-led Strategic Partner resources that advocates, advises, and promotes the use of advanced technology applications to enhance economic and workforce development programs and services.

With over 160 members from community and technical colleges, universities, CTE high schools, adult education organizations and the corporate community, NCATC provides great networking opportunities at both their Summer Workshop and Fall Conference every year.

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