The Looking Glass XR Blog

Looking Glass Featured on FOX News: Jefferson Middle School Gets into Virtual Reality

jefferson-middle-school-logoJefferson Middle School in Winston Salem is setting the standards for virtual reality’s use and applications in education. The school’s math and science instructor, Mike McDowell, is no stranger to technology. Looking Glass Services, Inc. worked with Mr. McDowell to acquire a grant from the Winston-Salem Foundation. This job was a little different, the client actually wanted to take part in the scan! Mike hired John McBride, co-founder of Looking Glass Services, Inc. to train him on the equipment and help him with capturing Jefferson Middle School in virtual reality. Using the 360 virtual camera and software, Mike and John spent a total of 30 hours capturing 1,000 unique points across the entire school campus. The complete news video has been included at the end of this article with a direct link to the story on FOX new’s website.

With a full campus virtual tour now view-able on the school’s website, the staff of Jefferson Middle School feels confident they will attract new students.

“You could be in Arkansas, thinking about moving to Winston-Salem, and you want to tour the school,” said Mike McDowell. “You don’t have to get on a plane or drive, you just pull up the computer or log on with your phone.”

This is a great example of how virtual and augmented reality can be used in education. Apps are currently being developed specifically for use in the classroom. These videos, images, and applications can use virtual, mixed, and augmented reality to show students how the human body works, what the Mars rover does in space, the inside of an Egyptian tomb, and so much more.

Looking Glass Will Help Your School Find Money for Virtual Reality Tools and Resources – Contact Looking Glass About Assistance with Your Teacher Grant Application

Starting next week, teachers will be able to apply for new Teacher Grants that provide access to funds that can be used to incorporate virtual reality into their curriculums. Looking Glass Services will work with your school to navigate the application process and successfully obtain Teacher Grants for Technology. Please take a moment to complete this short form and a Looking Glass representative will contact you shortly to discuss your grant application.

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